Celebrating our 50th year as an education provider, the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) is Australia’s largest tertiary music institution. It is renowned as a leading independent education provider in the music, entertainment and performing arts industries. Founded by Dr Peter Calvo as the Sydney Guitar School in 1968, AIM now operates across two national campuses, offering the most diverse range of fully accredited music and creative arts programs in Australia. We are not-for-profit – everything goes back to benefit our students. As a not-for-profit educational institution, we invest all profits back into improving our students’ learning experience and staying nimble, so we can respond to shifting industry demands.


澳洲音樂學院(AIM)剛慶祝踏入第50個年頭,是澳洲最大的高等音樂學院。 我們作為音樂、娛樂和表演領域的領先獨立教育學院而聞名於藝術行業。 AIMPeter Calvo博士於1968年創辦,目前共有悉尼及墨爾本兩個校舍,提供澳大利亞最全面及國際認可的音樂和創意藝術課程。作為一家非營利教育機構,我們將所有利潤投放到改善學生的學習體驗並保持課程與時並進,以便我們能夠應對不斷變化的行業需求。


Our high-quality, fully accredited tertiary bachelor and postgraduate programs, as well as senior high school education and industry short courses, all balance practice, performance and theory – and are all taught by industry experts.


我們的高質量,完全認可的大學本科學位和研究生課程,以及高中教育和行業短期課程,所有課程在音樂技術、表演培訓和理論各方面取得平衡 -  各課程都由行業專家教授。

院校網頁: www.aim.edu.au

Courses 課程

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